Advertisement on Vissa Telugu is very successful. The channel aired a few non-Telugu movies that were Tamil-dubbed from southern languages. Vissa Telugu transmits news; chat shows; interviews; pre-release events; and primarily film-based programming. To ensure that your advertisement receives the most attention; air it on Vissa Telugu during prime time.
Video Ad
Advertising through Vissa Telugu is an effective advertising method in the Television media type. Advertising in Vissa Telugu TV will help the brand to reach out to the right target audience. Television advertising helps the advertiser to target a very large group of audience and also provides the ease of targeting a specific time band based on the requirement.
You will get the rate for advertising in Vissa Telugu in the Media Options and Pricing section of the website. The mentioned rates are for per second of airtime. So e.g. if the cost to advertise in Vissa Telugu is mentioned as Rs 300/sec and your ad is 10 sec long, the cost for playing your ad once on Vissa Telugu will come to Rs 300 X 10 = Rs 3,000.
This are the possible ad formats for advertising on the platform of Vissa Telugu
This feature of Vissa Telugu makes it more efficient for advertising platform:
Approach our efficient planners and executors and share your requirements for a campaign.
We will assist you in terms of choosing the target audience, right ad format, audience reach, and campaign duration with proper scheduling of Ads in Top Channels.
Excellent Publicity Provides the lowest rates with best services in Television Branding across different channels nationally & regionally. The Advertising rates will vary according to channels & Region selected.
Creative to be provided by you with eye catchy content & brand logo to go Live on the channel. The format which is acceptable in channels for Static Ads: PSD File & PNG File, For TVC - .mov format(TVC Being Television Commercial Ad).
Track your brand On Television Channel with the Time Band selected & get your brand building response.
Campaign Report to be shared after the completion of the Campaign.
Main 2 Types of Branding in Television: FCT & Non FCT Branding.
In Television – The minimum seconds of TVC & Non – FCT is 10 Seconds
There are Major 2 Genres in Television – News & GEC – General Entertainment Channels.