TV ads are far away from being dead in India. The traditional approach of streaming them at regular intervals while streaming a show may have reduced, but advertisers are now adopting new technology to make it work better. A few of these include TVC and short-form ads streaming on OTT and other streaming platforms.
For those who think commercial ads are just a huge investment without any desired results, they’re wrong. Videos are the best form of marketing actually to catch customer attention. And when it comes to commercial ads, they only offer you a chance to be creative and witty. You get to put your brand in front of potential customers and increase brand loyalty among the existing ones. Wondering how? This blog will walk you through a few ways TV ads can help improve brand loyalty.
Before diving into how a TV ad can increase brand loyalty, let’s understand how it works. Brand loyalty is a consumer's choice to support and invest in a brand over so many others in the market. The most usual reason for the same is the consumer’s perception of it to be the highest quality brand. Also, if they believe it is the most trustworthy of the relevant products on the market, and often let go of a cheaper product for the one they’re loyal to.
When it comes to brand loyalty, perception is everything. Once a consumer perceives a brand as carrying a superior product, shifting their opinion is challenging. If you too want that for your products, here’s how TV channel advertisement can help:
Building Brand Awareness
Positive Brand Association
Increases Brand Recall
Now that you have understood brand loyalty and how TV ads can help build and increase it, why wait? Start planning for releasing your TV commercial ads today. If you have no prior experience in conceptualizing and producing a TV ad, you can always seek help from a TV advertisement agency.
You can contact Excellent Publicity to help you with your TV ads. It’s the best TV advertisement agency in Mumbai, headquartered in Ahmedabad. They have professional and highly skilled marketers and creative personnel to create mind-blowing tv ads for your brand. All you need to do is call them, share your requirements, and they will take care of the rest.