The new ad format boosts more attention and ROI

Jul 6, 2023
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Jul 6, 2023

Interactive ads, the new ad format, has a significant impact on brand recognition and the user experience.

Pop-up and banner ads have been around for a long time, making consumers aware of the value of exchanging their time and attention for free access to media, products, and services

But with CTRs (click-through rates) ranging from 2-5%, pop-ups and banner ads are considered highly effective. Because the digital landscape is saturated, advertisers are looking for other ways to increase attention and ROI, and interactive ads appear to be successful.

According to several reports, interactive advertising formats such as pop-ups, banners, and other formats have higher engagement rates. Currently, shock and awe are considered the most effective marketing strategies.

Pop-up or banner ads can be extremely annoying while browsing. If the execution is not perfect, it can lead to a negative perception of this advertising format. While some brands have seen a significant increase in engagement by keeping interactive ads personalized and simple.

Interactive ads must be carefully designed so that they are meaningful and valuable to consumers, rather than gimmicky. Ads that lack clear messaging, engaging characteristics, and appropriate CTAs are generally ineffective.

While some observers believe that the success of these advertisements is dependent on various factors, including the quality, alignment of the brand's message, and overall user experience.

Personalized content based on audiences' unique preferences can be extremely effective. Brands can leverage data insights to provide personalized experiences to their audiences and develop meaningful connections with them.

Gamification, which incorporates game-like, challenging elements, can be effective. Gamification can also boost customer engagement, commitment, and loyalty. Gamification concepts like "spin the wheel" generate excitement and encourage customers to participate for free rewards.

Interactive creatives combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be a promising strategy for the future. While personalized experiences, compelling content, and surprise elements will add more value for capturing consumers' attention.

To stay relevant in an ever-changing digital world, brands must constantly refine their approaches to create effective ads that capture users' attention and deliver engaging experiences.

According to a survey, 43% of marketers list personalization as a top reason for investing in hybrid experiences. Audiences enjoy relating the brand's identity and persona to themselves.

The short-term fixes are aligned with long-term objectives, and overdoing anything can harm the brand. Reactive ads can be a double-edged sword because consumers may become addicted to the satisfaction they receive and may become disappointed if they don't get what they want.

The evolving ecosystem presents unique opportunities, but brands still have a long way to go before truly excelling in becoming customer-centric.

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